Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fats

The Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated FatsThere is a significant difference between saturated and unsaturated fats. While it is true that both types of fats are natural, they have different implications for our health. Here we'll look at some of the most important differences between the two types of fats and what these can mean for our health.The first major difference between the two types of fats is how they are processed by the body. It is accepted by medical professionals that when you eat something with a high content of saturated fat, you should do everything in your power to lower your saturated fat intake. After all, it's only recently that the benefits of saturated fat has been widely acknowledged, and while there are benefits, they are still not sufficient to justify eating saturated fat.But what about dietary fats that are unsaturated? Surely those aren't harmful, right?The answer is no. In fact, some of the unsaturated fats are extremely good for us. For examp le, avocados are incredibly high in monounsaturated fat (as are peanuts, walnuts, and other nuts). This means that they provide nutrients that are essential for normal blood pressure levels, heart health, and other health benefits.Saturated fats on the other hand have a number of detrimental effects. For one thing, they increase the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and lower the HDL (good) cholesterol levels. By increasing bad cholesterol levels, saturated fats raise your blood pressure and can cause heart problems later in life.Because saturated fats are known to raise blood pressure, this means that they contribute to an unhealthy state of mind. You'll be stressed out more easily and often experience a lack of concentration, which is very common in people who suffer from hypertension.I would like to end by taking a final note about the importance of proper nutrition. As mentioned above, both types of fats are essential, but it is not necessary to consume large amounts of saturated fat s in order to achieve healthy results. Rather, to help your overall health and body chemistry, it is best to consume healthy foods such as unsaturated fats and low cholesterol foods.Saturated fats have their place in our diet, but they are not the only thing that you should be consuming. By using this information, you will know what the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is and why it is so important to improve your diet and body chemistry.